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Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

4 Ways to Beat Holiday Stress with Cannabis

This is the time of year when the weather begins to turn, days grow shorter, and holidays seem to pop up every other week. It’s the best of times and stressful times. Have no fear, because cannabis is a fantastic stress reliever. There are countless ways to incorporate marijuana this season, whether to relax after a social event or to unwind while catching up with friends. Check out our favorite tips!

Heighten Enjoyment During Social Events

Socializing during the holidays is practically required, but it’s not always enjoyable when it comes to family. Consuming cannabis before family functions can help keep you from going off on your unpleasant uncle or in-laws. You might even find some humor in the situation instead of annoyance. With your stress decreased, you can find moments of joy to focus on instead.

Choose Cannabis Over Alcohol

Alcohol is often glorified this time of year with more holiday-themed drinks than Starbucks. People tend to drink more during social events to help them let loose, mingle, and party. But by choosing cannabis instead, you can still have a blast, but without making a fool of yourself. Not to mention you’ll wake up free from any hangover.

Brainstorm Gift Ideas

Receiving gifts is a lot of fun, but thinking of ones to give can be stressful. Whether it’s trying to find the perfect gift for someone special or guessing what your estranged cousin might want, it’s enough to drive anyone crazy. Though sometimes, our stress can cause our minds to blank out. The more we focus on it, the harder it becomes to think of anything.

However, cannabis is known to boost our creativity. So, the next time you’re stuck, try consuming some marijuana and let your mind wander. Make a list of ideas without focusing too hard, and you just might be surprised what you think of.

Liven Up Boring Tasks

Once you figure out all the gifts for everyone you need, and after you go through the work of buying them all, the next part is wrapping them. Depending on how many you have, wrapping gifts can be tedious work. But it’s so much better when you’re high. Listen to your favorite holiday playlist to set the mood, then let loose and allow your creativity to shine. Have fun with ribbon and pick out some fun paper. Then it becomes more like a fun art project rather than a monotonous task to check off your to-do list.

Final Thoughts

The holidays are full of cheer, inner-warmth, and spending time with loved ones – but they’re also stressful in a multitude of ways. Cannabis can help combat any anxiety or tension to help you enjoy this time of year instead.

Our marijuana dispensary wants to help you survive the holidays any way we can. Our friendly staff is happy to answer any questions you may have. All we ask is for you to consume responsibly and have a wonderful holiday.

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