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4 Ways to Enjoy Cannabis Without Smoking

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. One of the many reasons we love cannabis so much here at Greeley Gallery is its versatility. The list of physical and mental health benefits cannabis offers is long, making it a fantastic option for people experiencing a wide range of ailments from chronic pain to high anxiety and depression – while also being a fun recreational experience.

But that’s not all. There are also several consumption methods to choose from. Smoking dried cannabis flower is the most traditional style of consumption, but it’s not for everyone. Many people want to enjoy the benefits cannabis offers without inhaling combustible smoke. If you identify with this group, then have no fear! There are at least four ways you can enjoy cannabis without smoking.


The most common non-smoking cannabis consumption option is edibles. Brownies are the cliché’ (yet, delicious) option, but there are as many ways to eat cannabis as there are options in the grocery store to satisfy your munchies. At our north Portland cannabis dispensary, you’ll find an assortment of edibles, including Drop and Wyld gummies, Mr. Moxy’s Artisan mints, Periodic Caramels, and several Majik cookies. Of course, you can also take your pick of our dried cannabis options or cannabis concentrates to create a DIY edible.


Although edibles do come with a disclaimer: Edibles can take 2 or 3 hours before you feel the effects because they will need to travel through your digestive system first. So, you’ll want to plan ahead and ensure you have nothing important to do that day. Additionally, edibles with THC, the psychoactive ingredient responsible for the high associated with cannabis, produce longer, sometimes more intense highs. So we always recommend starting low and going slow, meaning don’t consume more if you don’t feel anything immediately.


Summer started early for us in Portland, Oregon, this year, and a great way to keep cool and quench your thirst is by cracking open an ice-cold cannabis-infused beverage. As a bonus, cannabis beverages are great when you have less of a sweet tooth or simply want to avoid the calorie or sugar intake. They’re also a great alternative to alcohol. Stop by Greeley Gallery and take your pick of Magic Seltzers, Magic Number Sodas, Magic Bubbly, and more.


If smoking dried cannabis flower is the original cannabis consumption method, then tinctures are one of the original medicinal consumption methods. Many, many moons ago, medicine was delivered in little glass bottles with dropped attached to the inside of the cap, which were used to measure dosages. The liquid inside would be a concoction of various herbs used to treat various ailments.

Cannabis tinctures aren’t much different, except the main ingredient is concentrated cannabis oil. Some options, such as the Angel Hep CBD Drops, are a great addition to your daily supplements or vitamins routine by delivering all the health benefits cannabis offers without the recreational high. Meanwhile, others, like HUSH THC Sizzurps, are perfect for when you want a fast-acting high without smoking. Of course, there are options for a little of both, like our Siskiyou Sungrown or Farmer’s Friend tinctures.


Did you know that not only is your skin your largest organ, but it’s also the most absorbent? And did you know that cannabis does wonders for sore and achy muscles? This is why cannabis salves and balms are a fantastic option. While they won’t get you high, unlike the previously discussed options, cannabis balms like Medicine Farms Dragons Blend Balm can penetrate your skin to ease soreness or chronic pain directly. Nightingale Remedies CBD cream adds additional relaxation after a long day. All of the topical cannabis products at Greeley Gallery contain carefully chosen essential oils that provide more beneficial properties to relieve pain, inflammation, and overall health and well-being.

Final Thoughts

If you ask us, there’s no wrong choice. The best option for you comes down to the sort of experience you want, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the options so you aren’t unpleasantly surprised. If you have any questions or need help choosing, our friendly and knowledgeable staff is always happy to assist you.

We at Greeley Gallery care about your experience and do everything we can to ensure you have the best one possible. That includes providing high-quality cannabis products from local suppliers we know and trust for our medicinal and recreational cannabis dispensary. Stop by for your cannabis needs any day of the week between 7 am and 10 am.

We look forward to seeing you!

Written By: Katrina Paulson

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